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Conversion Rate Optimization
from Social Co. Advertising

Lead Visitors Where You Want Them To Go

Your website is your window to the world. It should not only entice and bring in visitors but also convert them that is, motivate them to place an order, fill out a contact form, subscribe to your newsletter, or download an eBook or a brochure. Your SEO and PPC campaigns, social media marketing efforts, and affiliate networking channels work to drive traffic to your website and then what? Can your website “convert” these visitors?


Our conversion rate optimization (CRO) solution enables you to optimize your digital marketing investment by improving the conversion rate on your website.

Increase Conversion Performance Using Scientific Methods

Our effective CRO campaign is strictly based on a scientifically-proven and empirically-tested method of raising the website conversion rate. We first formulate a hypothesis that we, as conversion rate experts, feel is the best and the most feasible way to improve the conversion rate of your website. Our hypothesis is not randomly chosen but based methodically on your existing marketing efforts, your target audience demographics, and your marketing goals. We then decide on and formulate the metrics to test the effectiveness of your website against this hypothesis.


Our CRO program offers a comprehensive solution by also suggesting changes to your website that will improve the conversion rate. We again gather the relevant analytics and carry out conversion testing to evaluate the conversion performance of your website.

Achieve Landing Page Optimization

Statistics prove that the primary reason for a website having a high bounce rate is an ineffective landing page that fails to act as the hook. And yet it is this page that visitors are directed to and from ads, social media posts, or from the search engine results pages. The landing page is the pivot on which conversion rate optimization hinges.

We offer comprehensive landing page optimization solutions that include creating focused and concise headlines that hook the visitor, developing clutter-free visual designs that do not distract from your most important message, incorporating persuasive calls-to-action at the right places to elicit positive responses from visitors, enabling audience engagement by using varied media bits, and extending your brand message to cement it in the minds of the visitors and build trust and confidence.


We make your landing page an extension of your persona that had in the first place, drawn the visitors to your site. Our landing page optimization solutions therefore helps generate leads and improve conversion rates. 

Maximize Marketing ROI with 360-Degree Solutions

From conversion performance testing to developing effective CRO campaigns and from landing page optimization to generating leads, our 360-degree CRO solutions maximize your marketing ROI. You invest considerable resources to drive traffic to your website with your SEO and PPC campaigns, nurture relationships with present and prospective customers on social media sites, and build associations with affiliates as part of your link-building activities.


You have on board a team of digital marketers, SEO analysts, graphic designers, and copywriters to create and execute marketing campaigns, all in an effort to drive up conversion rates. Our customized CRO solutions increase conversion performance by enhancing the efficacy of your marketing efforts. 

Contact Us to Make Your Website Deliver Results

Did you know that the average tracked conversion rate for a website is only 2 to 8 percent? This means that about 92 to 98 percent of your visitors leave your website without taking any positive action. You cannot allow this to continue to happen if you want to increase sales like you want to and believe you should.


Our Conversion Rate Optimization solution will reverse these numbers and optimize your digital marketing investment. Get in touch with us to know how our customized campaigns can make your website turn visitors into converts.

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